- Close the end of Funnel by rotating the pin.
- Pour 100 + 1 gm of the sample powder lightly into the funnel. (Avoid any pressure to pack it)
- Open the base by rotating the pin and start the timer/stop watch.
- Stop the watch/timer at the instant the last of the material leaves the funnel.
- Report time in seconds to the nearest of 0.1 s.
- After all of the material has passed through the funnel, immediately scrape off the excess of top of the measuring cup with a straightedge (e.g spatula) without shaking the measuring cup.
- Weigh the material in the cup to the nearest 0.1 gm. Calculate the weight
- Do not tap the funnel with a pencil or similar object to promote material flow. The need for exterior assistance to promote flow should be viewed as an indicator of unacceptable powder flow ability.
- The sample of the powder should be taken from the bulk in a way that prevents any segregation or sorting of powder fractions that would affect its homogeneity.
- It is recommended to record the temperature of the powder at the time of the test as it affect the flowability measured. The recommended powder temperature is 20-25 0C (68 – 77 0F).
A detail testing procedure can be downloaded from